Working with the “Centralized vault” view
This section briefly describes the main elements of the Centralized vault view, and suggests ways to work with them.
Vault toolbar
The toolbar contains operational buttons that let you perform operations with the selected centralized vault. See the Actions on centralized vaults section for details.
Pie chart with legend
The pie chart lets you estimate the vault’s load: it shows the proportion of the vault’s free space and occupied space. The pie chart is not available if the vault is located on a tape library.
– free space: space on the storage device, where the vault is located. For example, if the vault is located on a hard disk, the vault free space is free space of the appropriate volume.
– occupied space: total size of backup archives and their metadata, if it is located in the vault.
The legend displays the following information about the vault:
- [for managed vaults only] the name of the storage node that manages the vault
- full path to the vault
- total number of archives and backups stored in the vault
- the ratio of the occupied space to the original data size
- [for managed vaults only] deduplication state (On, Off)
- [for managed vaults only] encryption state (Yes, No)
Vault content
The Vault content section contains the archives table and toolbar. The archives table displays archives and backups that are stored in the vault. Use the archives toolbar to perform actions on the selected archives and backups. The list of backups is expanded by clicking the “plus” sign to the left of the archive’s name. All the archives are grouped by type on the following tabs:
- The Disk archives tab lists all the archives that contain disk or volume backups (images).
- The File archives tab lists all the archives that contain file backups.
Related sections: Operations with archives stored in a vault Operations with backups Filtering and sorting archives Bars of the "Actions and tools" pane
- [Vault Name] The Actions bar is available when clicking the vault in the vaults tree. Duplicates actions of the vault’s toolbar.
- [Archive Name] The Actions bar is available when you select an archive in the archives table. Duplicates actions of the archives toolbar.
- [Backup Name] The Actions bar is available when you expand the archive and click on any of its backups. Duplicates actions of the archives toolbar.