Deduplication restrictionsBlock-level deduplication restrictions During a disk backup to an archive in a deduplicating vault, deduplication of a volume’s disk blocks is not performed in the following cases:
Disk blocks that were not deduplicated are stored in the archive as they would be in a non-deduplicating vault. File-level deduplication restrictions During a file backup to an archive in a deduplicating vault, deduplication of a file is not performed in the following cases:
Files that were not deduplicated are stored in the archive as they would be in a non-deduplicating vault. Deduplication and NTFS data streams In the NTFS file system, a file may have one or more additional sets of data associated with it—often called alternate data streams. When such file is backed up, so are all its alternate data streams. However, these streams are never deduplicated—even when the file itself is. |