Uninstalling stand-alone editions of Acronis Backup & Recovery 10

  In Windows  
  Local uninstallation  

To uninstall Acronis Backup & Recovery 10, use the product uninstallation program (and not the Add or Remove Programs tool of Windows).

To uninstall Acronis Backup & Recovery 10

  1. Click Start -> All Programs -> Acronis -> Uninstall Acronis Backup & Recovery 10.
  2. To remove the log and tasks of Acronis Backup & Recovery 10, select the Remove the product’s log, tasks, vaults and configuration settings check box. Leave this check box cleared if you are planning to reinstall the product later.

Click Remove.

  Unattended uninstallation  

To uninstall Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 in the unattended mode, you need to run the msiexec utility. This utility uses the product’s installation packages (.msi files).

To uninstall Acronis Backup & Recovery 10

  1. Extract the installation packages to a folder or a network share. You need not extract the AcronisUniversalRestore.msi package if the Universal Restore add-on is not installed.
  2. If the Universal Restore add-on is installed, run the following command (here and in the next step, the location of the installation packages is assumed to be \\myserver\share):

    msiexec /uninstall \\myserver\share\AcronisUniversalRestore.msi /qb

  3. Run the following commands:

    msiexec /uninstall \\myserver\share\AcronisTrayMonitor.msi /qb
    msiexec /uninstall \\myserver\share\AcronisAgentWindows.msi /qb
    msiexec /uninstall \\myserver\share\AcronisBootableComponentsMediaBuilder.msi /qb
    msiexec /uninstall \\myserver\share\AcronisUpgradeTool.msi /qb
    msiexec /uninstall \\myserver\share\AcronisStandaloneManagementConsole.msi /qb

  In Linux  

To uninstall Acronis Backup & Recovery 10

Do the following as the root user:

  1. Run the following commands to uninstall other Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 components:

    # cd /usr/lib/Acronis/BackupAndRecovery/uninstall
    # ./uninstall
    # cd /usr/lib/Acronis/BootableComponents/uninstall
    # ./uninstall
    # cd /usr/lib/Acronis/BackupAndRecoveryConsole/uninstall
    # ./uninstall
    # cd /usr/lib/Acronis/UpgradeTool/uninstall
    # ./uninstall

  2. Run the following command to delete the source files of the SnapAPI module:

    # rm -rf /usr/src/snapapi*

To uninstall all components in the unattended mode, run each of the ./uninstall commands with the -a option.

Uninstalling stand-alone editions of Acronis Backup & Recovery 10