Local uninstallation in Windows

  Uninstalling components of Acronis Backup & Recovery 10  

Important: Avoid using the Add or Remove Programs tool of Windows to uninstall Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 components.

To uninstall all components of Acronis Backup & Recovery 10

  1. Click Start -> All Programs -> Acronis -> Uninstall Acronis Backup & Recovery 10.
  2. To delete associated information (see later in this topic), select the Remove the product’s log, tasks, vaults and configuration settings check box.
  3. Click Remove.

To uninstall individual components or features of Acronis Backup & Recovery 10

  1. Start the Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 setup program.
  2. Click Install Acronis Backup & Recovery 10.
  3. Acronis License Server must be available, otherwise you cannot proceed. When you uninstall a component that uses a license, Acronis License Server revokes the license from the machine.
  4. Click Modify.
  5. Clear the check boxes next to the names of the components or features that you want to uninstall.
  6. To delete associated information (see later in this section), select the Remove the product’s log, tasks, vaults and configuration settings check box.
  Deleting associated information  

If you are planning to reinstall a component at a later time, you may want to keep its associated information.

If instead you want to delete this information, select the Remove the product’s log, tasks, vaults and configuration settings check box. As a result, the following information will be deleted:

  • When uninstalling Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Agent for Windows: the log and tasks of the agent
  • When uninstalling Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Management Server: the management server databases, which store the policies configuration, the operation log, and statistics
  • When uninstalling Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Storage Node: the log and tasks of the storage node
  Uninstalling Acronis License Server  

Because Acronis License Server may be used by other Acronis products, you need to uninstall it separately from Acronis Backup & Recovery 10.

To uninstall Acronis License Server

  1. Start the Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 setup program.
  2. Click Repair/remove Acronis License Server.
  3. Click Remove.

Local uninstallation in Windows