Backup plan details

The Backup plan details window (also duplicated on the Information panel) aggregates in four tabs all the information on the selected backup plan.

The respective message will appear at the top of the tabs, if one of the plan’s tasks requires user interaction. It contains a brief description of the problem and action buttons that let you select the appropriate action or stop the plan.

  Backup plan  

The Backup plan tab provides the following general information on the selected plan:

  • Name – name of the backup plan
  • Origin – whether the plan was created on the managed machine using direct management (local origin), or appeared on the machine as a result of deploying a backup policy from the management server (centralized origin).
  • Policy (for backup plans with centralized origin) – name of the backup policy, whose deployment created the backup plan.
  • Account – the name of the account under which the plan runs
  • Owner – the name of the user who created or last modified the plan
  • Stateexecution state of the backup plan.
  • Statusstatus of the backup plan.
  • Schedule – whether the task is scheduled, or set to start manually.
  • Last backup – how much time has passed since the last backup.
  • Creation – backup plan creation date.
  • Comments – description of the plan (if provided).

The Source tab provides the following information on the data selected for backup:

  • Source type – the type of data selected for backing up.
  • Items to back up – items selected to back up and their size.

The Destination tab provides the following information:

  • Location – name of the vault or path to the folder, where the archive is stored.
  • Archive name – name of the archive.
  • Archive comments – comments on the archive (if provided).

The Settings tab displays the following information:

  • Backup scheme – the selected backup scheme and all its settings with schedules.
  • Validation (if selected) – events before or after which the validation is performed, and validation schedule.
  • Backup options – backup options changed against the default values.

Backup plan details