Managing Acronis Secure Zone

Acronis Secure Zone is considered as a personal vault. Once created on a managed machine, the zone is always present in the list of Personal vaults. Centralized backup plans can use Acronis Secure Zone as well as local plans.

If you have used the Acronis Secure Zone before, please note a radical change in the zone functionality. The zone does not perform automatic cleanup, that is, deleting old archives, anymore. Use backup schemes with automatic cleanup to back up to the zone, or delete outdated archives manually using the vault management functionality.

With the new Acronis Secure Zone behavior, you obtain the ability to:

  • list archives located in the zone and backups included in each archive
  • examine backup content
  • mount a volume backup to copy files from the backup to a physical disk
  • safely delete archives and backups from the archives.

To learn more about operations with vaults, see the Vaults section.

Acronis Secure Zone managemnet operations

Increasing Acronis Secure Zone

Decreasing Acronis Secure Zone

Deleting Acronis Secure Zone

Password for Acronis Secure Zone

Managing Acronis Secure Zone