Script usage examples

The following example illustrates the usage of a script to back up two partitions (logical drives), C and F. mybackup2.tib is specified as an incremental image file. High compression level is selected and the image will be split into 650-MB parts for recording to CD-R/RW media. Password protection will also be added. The entire script must be located between the <backup> and </backup> tags.

<? xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″ ?>
<source letter =”c” />
<source letter =”f” />
<target file=”e:\mybackup2.tib” />
<options compression=”high” incremental=”true” description=”this is my backup”
split=”650 Mb” password=”" />

The script for backing up to tape (tapeN specifies the tape numbers):

<? xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″ ?>
<source letter =”c” />
<source letter =”f” />
<target cdrw=”\taperecorder\\\.\tape0|||” />
<target cdrw=”\taperecorder\\\.\tape1|||” />
<options compression=”high” incremental=”true”
description=”this is my backup” />

Script usage examples