Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Management Server

The following are the parameters of Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Management Server that can be set by using Acronis Administrative Template.

Collecting Logs

Specifies when to collect log entries from machines managed by Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Management Server.

This parameter contains two settings:

Trace State

Description: Specifies whether to collect the log entries about the components’ events from the registered machines.

Possible values: True or False

Default value: True

Trace Level

Description: Specifies the minimum level of severity of collected entries. Only entries of levels greater than or equal to the value in Trace Level will be collected.

Possible values: 0 (Internal event), 1 (Debugging information), 2 (Information), 3 (Warning), 4 (Error), or 5 (Critical error)

Default value: 0 (all entries will be collected)

Log Cleanup Rules

Specifies how to clean up the centralized event log stored in the management server’s reporting database.

This parameter has the following settings:

Max Size

Description: Specifies the maximum size of the centralized event log, in kilobytes.

Possible values: Any integer number between 0 and 2147483647

Default value: 1048576 (that is, 1 GB)

Percentage to Keep

Description: Specifies the percentage of the maximum log size to keep on cleanup

Possible values: Any integer number between 0 and 100

Default value: 95

For details on how the centralized event log is cleaned up, see Log cleanup rules.

Windows Event Log

Specifies when to record Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Management Server’s events into the Application event log in Windows.

This parameter has two settings:

Trace State

Description: Specifies whether to record Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Management Server’s events into the event log.

Possible values: True or False

Default value: False

Trace Level

Description: Specifies the minimum level of severity of events to be recorded into the event log. Only events of levels greater than or equal to the value in Trace Level will be recorded.

Possible values: 0 (Internal event), 1 (Debugging information), 2 (Information), 3 (Warning), 4 (Error), or 5 (Critical error)

Default value: 4 (only errors and critical errors will be recorded—if Trace State is set to True)


Specifies the types of the management server’s events to send notifications about by means of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).

This parameter contains the following settings:

Trace State

Description: Specifies whether to send the SNMP notifications.

Possible values: True or False

Default value: False

Trace Level

Description: Specifies the minimum level of severity of events for sending SNMP notifications about them. Only notifications about events of levels greater than or equal to Trace Level will be sent.

Possible values: 0 (Internal event), 1 (Debugging information), 2 (Information), 3 (Warning), 4 (Error), or 5 (Critical error)

Default value: 4 (only errors and critical errors will be sent—if Trace State is set to True)

SNMP Address

Description: Specifies the network name or IP address of the SNMP server.

Possible values: Any string 0 to 32765 characters long

Default value: Empty string

SNMP Community

Description: Specifies the community name for the SNMP notifications.

Possible values: Any string 0 to 32765 characters long

Default value: public


Specifies how Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Management Server connects to registered machines for deployment of centralized policies, retrieval of logs and backup plan states, and similar actions—collectively called synchronization.

This parameter has the following settings:

Maximum Connections

Description: Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous synchronization connections to keep.

Possible values: Any integer number between 1 and 500

Default value: 200

If the total number of online registered machines does not exceed the value in Maximum Connections, connections to those machines are always kept, and the management server periodically performs synchronization with each machine.

Otherwise, it connects to a number of registered machines depending on the allotted number of simultaneous connections. After synchronization for a machine is complete, the management server may disconnect from that machine and use the free connection for synchronization with another machine, and so on.

(Note: Connections to machines with high synchronization priority—see Period-High Priority later in this topic—are likely to be always kept.)

Synchronization connections are unrelated to connections such as those between Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Management Server and Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Management Console.

Maximum Workers

Description: Specifies the maximum number of threads to use for synchronization.

Possible values: Any integer number between 1 and 100

Default value: 30

The management server’s process uses special threads—called worker threads or workers—to perform synchronization for a registered machine which is connected for synchronization.

Each worker performs synchronization for exactly one machine at a time.

A connected machine to be synchronized waits for an available worker. For this reason, the actual number of workers will never exceed the maximum number of connections (see Maximum Connections described previously).

Period (in seconds)

Description: Specifies how often, in seconds, to perform synchronization for machines that have a normal synchronization priority—typically, the machines without currently running centralized backup tasks.

Possible values: Any integer number between 120 and 2147483647

Default value: 120

Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Management Server tries to perform synchronization for each normal-priority machine once in the number of seconds given by Period, by using an available worker thread (see Maximum Workers described previously).

If there are fewer worker threads than normal-priority machines, the actual interval between synchronizations may be longer than the value of this parameter.

Period-High Priority (in seconds)

Description: Specifies how often, in seconds, to perform synchronization for machines that have a high synchronization priority—typically, the machines with currently running centralized backup tasks.

Possible values: Any integer number between 15 and 2147483647

Default value: 15

This parameter is analogous to the Period parameter described previously.

Real-Time Monitoring

Description: Specifies whether to perform real-time monitoring of registered machines instead of using a polling mechanism.

Possible values: True or False

Default value: False

By default, Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Management Server connects to registered machines to perform synchronization—in particular, to retrieve data such as backup logs. This approach is known as a polling mechanism.

If Real Time Monitoring is set to True, the management server instead sends requests to machines to provide new data whenever it will appear, and then enters a listening mode. This approach is called real-time monitoring.

Real-time monitoring may reduce network traffic—for example, when centralized backup tasks run infrequently. However, it is effective only when there are relatively few registered machines.

Avoid enabling real-time monitoring if the number of registered machines exceeds the maximum number of simultaneous connections (see Maximum Connections earlier in this topic).

Second Connection Attempt

Description: Specifies whether to try to connect to a registered machine by using its last-known IP address after an attempt to connect to it by using its host name has failed.

Possible values: True or False

Default value: False

When connecting to a registered machine, Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Management Server first uses the machine’s network name—provided that the machine was added to the management server by name.

If Second Connection Attempt is set to True and a connection to the machine by using its network name has failed, the management server performs a second connection attempt, this time using the latest IP address which was associated with that network name.

We recommend setting Second Connection Atempt to True only in networks which often experience problems with their DNS servers, and provided that the machines’ IP addresses change infrequently—as in cases of fixed IP addresses or long DHCP lease times.

This setting has no effect on machines that were added to the management server by IP address.

Offline Period Threshold (in seconds)

Description: Specifies the maximum interval, in seconds, between attempts to connect to a registered machine which appears to be offline.

Possible values: Any integer number between 120 and 2147483647

Default value: 1800

Normally, the management server connects to each registered machine with a certain time interval (see Period and Period-High Priority earlier in this section). When the management server discovers that the machine is offline, it doubles this interval; it keeps doubling this interval on each further attempt until reaching the value specified in Offline Period Threshold. If the machine comes back online, the time interval becomes normal again.

This approach aims at efficient use of the management server resources and reducing the network load.


Specifies the location and initial size of the snapshot storage—a temporary file that is used when backing up data by taking a snapshot. This file is deleted as soon as the backup is complete.

With the default settings, the snapshot storage is created in a Windows’ temporary files folder and occupies 50 percent of the space available on the volume containing that folder. This size may then grow if more space is needed for the snapshot.

You may want to increase the initial size of the snapshot storage—or to place it on a different volume—when experiencing problems with backing up data that changes extensively during backup.

This parameter is used when creating a backup policy and applies to all centralized backup plans that will be based on this policy. Changes to this parameter do not affect already existing backup policies (and their centralized backup plans).

This parameter has the following settings:

Snapshot Storage Path

Description: Specifies the folder in which to place the snapshot storage.

Possible values: Any string 0 to 32765 characters long

Default value: Empty string

An empty string means a temporary files folder, which is typically given by the TMP or TEMP environment variable.

You can specify a local folder on any volume, including a volume you are backing up.

Snapshot Storage Absolute Size

Description: Specifies the initial size of the snapshot storage, in megabytes.

Possible values: Any integer number between 0 and 2147483647

Default value: 0

If this setting is 0, the management server uses the Snapshot Storage Relative Size setting.

The initial size will not exceed the available space minus 50 MB.

Snapshot Storage Relative Size

This setting is effective only when the Snapshot Storage Absolute Size setting is 0.

Description: Specifies the initial size of the snapshot storage as a percentage of the disk space that is available at the time of starting the backup.

Possible values: Any integer number between 0 and 100

Default value: 50

If this setting is 0, the snapshot storage will not be created.

The initial size will not exceed the available space minus 50 MB.

Without the snapshot storage, taking snapshots is still possible.

The size of the snapshot storage does not affect the size of the backup.

Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Management Server